Drip Campaign

Say hi, rinse, repeat!

Why Drip?

No business owner has the time or inclination to reach out to each and every customer that there ever was and ever will be, regularly (like once a week regular) and with impact… right? …and yet lots of businesses manage to do this. How? Automation baby!

With the properly crafted architecture, your customer base (past, present and future) can hear from you with perfectly written material appropriate to just their needs, every week and yes – even while you sleep! Sound too good to be true? Nope. And you are most certainly a recipient of this sort of automated correspondence if you open your email inbox.

These nifty elves who work while you sleep are called drip campaigns.

When you have received a new email address or trigger event (such as someone just made a purchase on your website) a drip campaign goes into effect. Monday: Thank you for shopping. Tuesday: Have you seen these other products? Next week: We’re having a sale. Friday after: Share this with a friend for a discount. Next month: New release just added. Etc etc… those are all individual messages that go out in sequence over a matter of weeks. But if dear recipient clicks on the email and takes an action then they are rerouted to another drip campaign. Thank you for sharing with a friend, here’s your coupon.

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Most customer journeys are fairly predictable and only need a little nudging and reminding to invite them to add more to their basket!

But you, dear business owner, don’t have time for that. So let us get you cooking with a nice drip campaign that does all the work for you. All you have to do is watch the extra business come on in!

The investment in this is all up front – your drip campaign will branch off in many directions depending on the actions taken by your customers. So we write for all variables. Then we design compelling eye popping emails in the drip program software and press GO! And go, it will! Now go get some extra zzzzzzz’s.

“Email has an ability many channels don’t: creating valuable personal touches – at scale.”

-David Newman

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