


Founder and CEO, Sonja Anderson, started her career in radio sales in the 90’s and throughout her thriving years as a top performer, discovered one gnawing challenge; many businesses she worked with did not have the budget to make use of radio as it should be and in fact, might be better served using another medium altogether.



How it all


These small to midsize businesses were investing real money into channels that could not deliver the ROI they deserved. Sonja found herself consulting with them and identifying other meaningful ways to deliver results whether it included radio (a medium she loved, where she was commissioned) or not.

Small to midsize businesses need real results and quickly. Sonja’s interest in providing more potent outcomes with any given budget led her to start a full service agency serving precisely this group.

These organizations are too small to afford an internal marketing department or individual, yet too big to manage all their marketing without help. That’s where zö agency steps in. We help the backbone of America’s businesses make their way from small to thriving organizations that serve, employ, nourish and contribute to their communities. We walk beside them from the ground up.

By serving these ambitious founders of our country’s businesses in their own dreams to make the world better, zö agency also makes the world a better place.



zö agency values growth, connection, diversity, love and play. There is no ‘right way’ to do anything and every journey has its own unique start and path through the valleys and mountains.

We firmly commit to honoring each road. Interpersonally and for our clients.

Our team comes from all parts of the world. Founder, Sonja Anderson, herself born in Germany and an immigrant to the US from Scotland in the 90’s, has enormous respect for all cultures and diversity, and actively draws in highly skilled tribe members from places such as Romania, Venezuela,
Argentina, Britain, Canada, Africa, Asia and pretty much anywhere our hearts find tribe!



We hold a culture of trust, openness and commitment to one another. We respect your age, gender, family, religion, heritage, race, culture, disability, sexuality or political stance.

We serve businesses across all spectrums and without prejudice – Small to midsize businesses with big dreams and a conscience that lifts their own communities, nonprofits who serve those in need, and entrepreneurs who bring something to the world to change it for the better. In all of these, we participate in shaping our world for the better.

Since we are a tribe of love, we do not acknowledge or support those who evoke hate speech, engage in sex crimes, racism, violence, sweat shops, animal cruelty, and the like.

We’re a tribe of adventurers and encourage travel, exploration and remote work if the position allows. Shared world views and experiences make us all richer!


Let's talk!

We Care About Your Idea And Success

Give us a call today and share your goals with us. We can take you there.


We work all hours for you
but like to call it
8 am – 6:30pm

Get Started

Bend, OR
70 SW Century Drive #1100
Bend, OR 97702