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Name & Slogan

Almost like giving birth (but not near as painful)

Name Creation

Your business name is one of the biggest early decisions you’ll make. And it’s a decision that can impact the effectiveness of your marketing—for better or worse. Pick a name that’s too hard to say, too hard to spell, doesn’t tell enough, or just doesn’t resonate, and your marketing will struggle to overcome those shortfalls.

If you’re starting your business from scratch—or looking to do a major rebrand—tap our team of experts and we’ll put our collective brains to work. We’ll give you several exciting options and help guide you to the perfect name. Then you’ll be off and running!

Slogan Creation

How hard is it to summarize your business in a handful of words? And also reflect your brand? That’s the herculean task of a slogan. The right slogan helps customers immediately feel your brand, gives them an idea of what you do, and builds rapport. What you don’t want: a slogan that just takes up space, feels uninspired, or makes it harder for you, your employees, and your customers to really “get” what you’re about.

A slogan—just like a logo—is highly personal, as it has to perfectly encapsulate who you are. Crafting a slogan can be an agonizing process if you’re attempting it on your own. So tap our team and let us create the perfect slogan for your business.


Name Package


Get three rounds of creative name ideas for your business. Once you select your final name, we’ll also offer suggestions for domain names to use for your website.

Slogan Package


Get three rounds of slogan ideas to capture the essence of your business and build the foundation of your brand.

Name + Slogan Package


Whether you’re starting a business from scratch or embarking on a rebrand, this package gets you off and running. Get three rounds of creative ideas for a business name and powerhouse slogan, and save $800!

Trust our team…and also trust your lawyer.

Our team will give you great creative recommendations for your business name and slogan, but it’s essential that you also seek legal counsel as part of this process. Your lawyer should apprise you of trademark and copyright issues and provide legal guidance for registering your name with the appropriate government entities. zo assumes no liability.

“Today it is cheaper to start a business than tomorrow.”

Amit Kalantri

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