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Is Email Marketing Effective?

rate, click-through rate, unsubscribe rate, complaint rate, conversion rate, bounce rate, list-growth rate and forward/share rate. By pulling all the numbers on these, you can get a pretty detailed report…

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Leap of Faith

…in high school. And this is a lot of fun. I love doing behind the camera. I love editing things that was actually my senior project in high school was…

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Marketing guides

…it more compelling?) Download Now Branding Guide Do you have a brand? More than a logo, your brand is the heart and soul of your company. Download Now PPC Guide…

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Whole Health

…of the American High School. We didn’t know that like our high school was very different. It was not the Cobra Kai people in little cliques getting into fights. It…

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…met and began working with Dan Patrick and Dan describe previous successful marketing campaigns  How do Patrick and Dan collaborate in the larger agency world? Creating a welcoming company culture…

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SEO Approach Pricing

higher your score, the higher your website gets placed in searches done by people near one of your locations or, if you are national, from anywhere people search. How long…

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