

Business can be summed up in seven words: Late nights, early mornings, give me coffee.


How about this instead: Attracting and converting customers for a profit.

Just seven words. Simple, right? Well, not always. It might be uncomplicated to boil down the concept into one sentence, but these seven words can be reeeeeaaaallllyyy difficult to put into practice when marketing isn’t your superpower. It can become a daunting challenge when you’re on your own but fear not! We’re here to step into the role of your trusty stagehands, helping you bring your performance to the next level.

Your business is already making waves in its own unique way, but you know it has the potential to do so much more. You want to see it shine brighter, captivate more hearts, and make even greater profits without driving yourself into an early grave (#morbid, we know).

The issue at hand? You’re not quite sure which direction to take next. From where you’re standing, it feels like an overwhelmingly large production, with a variety of scenes, each with hundreds of props, costume changes, actors, musical numbers, and even transitions between each part! It can feel impossible to handle all the variables:

>> You’re not getting enough eyeballs on your business, online or offline. 

>> You’re not driving enough traffic to your website – targeted or not!

>> Even if people do land on your website, it’s clunky, confusing, and looks like it’s from 1999

>> Your logo and visual brand identity are in desperate need of a captivating makeover

Cue the dreaded armpit sweat of overwhelm. It takes a whole crew to set the stage, so when you’re already managing your everyday business responsibilities, when and how do you even begin?

 Bringing on an in-house marketing team may sound tempting, but let’s face it, the stage is set differently for everyone. Your resources might not be quite ready for that grand performance. And attempting to single-handedly maneuver the intricate choreography of marketing? Well, time is a tricky character, and we both know it’s not exactly hanging out in your green room.

It’s great to consider all the different approaches, but as you weigh all the options, you might think to yourself “Should I hire a marketing agency?” It seems so daunting, and you might be unfamiliar with the reasons to hire a digital marketing agency but we’re here to help! Let us set the stage to show you why it might be a good idea for a business owner like yourself to hire a marketing agency like zö agency. 

Enter: The Stagehands of Marketing.

Our mission:

To save business owners like you from excessive armpit sweat and help you market your business in ways that are both magnetic and budget-friendly. We take pride in helping you put on the performance of a lifetime – all from behind the scenes. 

Our specialties:

We infuse your work with just the right keywords to draw in the audience you’re looking for by using strategic search engine optimization (SEO). Using pay-per-click (PPC) ads, we attract your target audience without costing you anything extra – saving you valuable money that you can put back into your production. We create show-stopping campaigns that steal the audience’s attention, both online and offline. Whether that be through helping you stand out with physical media in mailboxes, on billboards, or in newspapers or by getting your business on television, on the radio, or on social media. We could even just start by driving traffic to your website through a variety of tantalizing strategies. We create emotionally-appealing logos and develop brand identities that tell your story and reflect the essence of your business. And if anything goes wrong during the play or we need to shift gears while setting up, you can rest assured knowing that we came prepared with a backup plan, and we know how to improvise in a pinch! 

So when you’re asking yourself “Why hire a marketing agency?” think back on this performance, and know that whether you need a little touch-up or a full-scale production, we’re here to collaborate with you. It all starts with a casual chat, where we’ll dive into your current situation, your goals, and how we can help you reach them without adding extra pressure to your already packed schedule.

As stagehands, we thoroughly value the human touch. We meticulously prepare every prop and backdrop by hand, giving it a familiar yet refreshing and original feel. It’s part of what makes us so unique. We want you to shine on stage, but we don’t want you to feel obligated to put on the show of the century if you’re looking for more of a home theater. That’s why we always offer free calls to connect with potential clients before welcoming them into our tribe. We want you to feel seen and heard so that we can help you with your dream performance. No matter what it looks like, we’ll make sure it fits your goals. Are you ready to step into the limelight? Get in touch with us at, and let the applause begin!

Your stage is waiting, and together, we’ll create a showstopper that’s uniquely yours. Now get out there and break a leg! 

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Let’s talk

zo agency serves as the marketing department for small to midsize businesses that are typically too small to have their own internal marketing department and invariably too big to manage without one.

We’re your marketing director, strategist, account manager, project manager, family and tribe.

Daron Jagodzinske

Love One Another

In this episode of It’s Not Just Business Talks with Sonja, Sonja Anderson talks with Daron Jagodzinske, Pastor at Alive Covenant Church, about how his work within the church and community is reshaping how religion is perceived. Daron discusses the ingredients of God’s love, following your instincts to discover a worship community that is right for you, and learning how to forgive and heal for a stronger connection with God.

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