
How to Upgrade Your Custom Printed Marketing Materials

When businesses think about effective marketing, it is important to think beyond digital marketing and include print marketing materials. Effective print marketing begins with understanding how they are most effective and why they will help your business.

Why Use Printed Business Marketing Materials?

Providing potential clients with a set of marketing materials that connect them visibly and tactilely with your brand is an essential element of business marketing. These custom printed marketing materials represent your brand, tell your story and offer visual connection between your business and potential clients. Without them, how would you communicate with your target audience who you are, what you do, the products you offer and clear representation of your brand?

Successful marketing and promotion strategies are already difficult to achieve in our competitive global business environment. They can become impossible to achieve without effective print marketing. Here are four reasons why your brand needs to invest in print marketing materials as soon as day one.

1. They Clearly Communicate Your Brand.

The number one reason to invest in marketing materials is to tap into their power to communicate your brand to everyone who sees them. The best marketing materials are visual representations of your brand; they tell your story and show your clients what you offer them. 

A clear and sharp looking logo, sleek and simple graphic design and a QR code that connects to your website, will each convey your brand message cleanly and clearly to the world.

2. Tell Your Target Audience Exactly Who You Are.

The best marketing materials always connect your brand with your targeted audience. All of your business marketing materials can be carefully crafted to tell your brand’s story, to show off your logo and to answer the questions you want and anticipate your audience to ask. These materials help your audience gain awareness and connect them with other digital marketing materials like your website. 

3. They Are Vital For Marketing Your Content.

Whether you use these materials in your event marketing, in high touch marketing strategies or to boost traffic to your digital marketing profile these custom printed marketing materials are necessary. They will promote your brand and what you want potential clients to know about your business. Promotions, special offers and new products need visuals and clear messaging to be effective in promoting sales. It’s that simple.

4. Print Can Make a Lasting Impact.

When your marketing materials are well crafted, clearly communicate your brand message and offer your clients attractive access to your products and services, they can make a lasting impact. Why do you want to create that kind of impact? Because it leads to brand loyalty and eventually establishes your brand as vital and significant.

What You Must Know About Effective Print Marketing

The art of print marketing is getting lost in our digital age. It is so much easier to press buttons than to design, print, store and collect the appropriate print materials, to lick envelopes, to write notes by hand and to send things through the mail. But don’t underestimate the power of these more traditional methods of marketing. People may love this kind of special individualization more than ever and everyone appreciates beautiful printed cards with handwritten notes.

For this reason print marketing is primarily used by smaller businesses who are growing their audience and for groups, businesses and nonprofits who want to reach out to their neighboring communities. Printed marketing materials are also great when used at local events, large conferences or trade shows, where visitors collect information from the booths they visit.

With all of this in mind, you want your printed materials to really pop! To get them noticed they should be professionally designed, include your logo and color scheme, give clear, on-brand messaging that targets your audience and be printed on high quality paper.

How to Use Print Marketing Materials Most Effectively

Business Exhibits

Provide an array of colorful print marketing materials at conferences, trade shows and other large events, where your business staffs an exhibit. Start with a well planned event display table or tent with colorful poster-sized images and lots of your logos emblazoned on everything.  Make sure that you have plenty of high quality, professionally designed business cards, flyers, brochures, logo stickers, postcards and creative giveaways for attendees to take with them. Promotional print materials are actually anticipated and draw genuine interest from attendees of these events.

Therefore create your postcards, business cards and stickers to be as eye-catching and on brand as possible. Refreshing your design, color scheme and even your logo before making an investment in an all out conference and trade show exhibit will help focus your marketing efforts and keep your messaging on brand!

Old School Snail Mail (Personal Touches)

Personally reaching out with information about your business to potential clients is a great way to set your business apart from the competition. Writing personalized notes to send with brochures, fliers and a coupon will create a different response that is welcome in our impersonal digital communcation world.

Thank You’s and Welcome Packets

Welcome packets for new clients and thank you notes to contractors, clients and visitors to your exhibit at conferences and trade shows, are high touch and personal ways of connecting with your people. Producing thank you notes, stickers, letterhead, envelopes, return stickers, swag, informational pamphlets and fliers, coupons and other printed materials that are carefully designed to reflect your business and to feature your logo, will be impressive and memorable. And when you send a letter, welcome packet or informational packet that has been personally prepared and includes a handwritten note it will set you apart from 95% of your competitors. 


When it comes to effective print marketing it is often necessary to let people who market businesses for a living to walk with you through the process. Placing the responsibilities of producing custom printed marketing materials into the hands of a capable full-service marketing agency would allow you to sit back and do what you do best. One of the frequently asked questions is, “how do we afford agency prices?”  At zö agency we will get to know your business, define your target audience, produce the best marketing materials and stay within your campaign marketing budget. Not only are we great at what we do, we love our clients and will work hard to bring you into the tribe! Visit us at today!

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