SEO blog May 2018 image

The Importance of SEO

It’s time to get real frank and honest here.

We’re talking SEO frank and honest. Now if you’re thinking, “SEO wha? That’s like FOMO right?” or, “Is SEO the new CEO?”

Nuh-uh, my friend. If you don’t have the slightest idea what SEO is, and the importance of SEO in today’s day and age, then it’s time for a huge wake-up call.

SEO = Search Engine Optimization.

We’re not about to get all smarty pants on you and drone on about the technical intricacies. We believe you already know why SEO is important and why you need it—you’re a superstar business owner after all.

BUT here’s a little reminder anyways. A reminder of how you can really use it to up your game, your online presence. And ultimately, how to up your chances of drumming up more business moolah.

For starters, what is SEO?

Think of it as feeding the most delicious 10-course meal to Google and other search engines. We’re talking Chef’s Table on Netflix delicious.

Let’s say you consistently make the engines over-the-moon happy with this exquisite “food” (aka special keywords and phrases that appear on your website and in your content).

If you keep this up and blow them away time and time again, they’ll remember you, they’ll even reward you. How? By increasing your chances of your website getting found when someone searches for that special keyword or phrase.

You’ll be at the top of their minds, which means your website and content will show up first when searched. Pure gold, right?

Here’s the thing though, obviously there are consequences if you overfeed the search engines. Trust us, they WILL NOT be very happy with you if they’re overfed.

There’s a fine line between just the right amount of food and overindulging, right? The same goes for SEO. It’s equally important to not keyword-stuff your content.

Make your SEO game work for you, not against you.

Now we’re sure you’re wondering how to do that. How to reap the benefits and finally discover the jackpot of why SEO is important, so amazingly amazeballs important.

The reality though is that a successful SEO game doesn’t lead to instant gratification or instant high-flying results. In a perfect world maybe, but then it’d all be too easypeasy and where’s the fun in that?

Hate to break it to you but, just like pretty much everything else, SEO takes a crap ton of time and consistency. Not to mention learning and relearning as algorithms constantly change in the online world.

We know you want to spend your precious time doing what you do best in your business. So voila here’s the next best thing: let us do the heavy lifting on the SEO because we’re the tribe who gets it.

For 2018, word has it that these three strategies are important as ever for your SEO game. Let’s dive in.

  1. Mobile-friendly Website = Priority Ranking

Tell us, who doesn’t have a smartphone these days? I mean, you see babies and great grandparents glued to them like pros, like it’s always been an extension of themselves.

We spend sooo much time browsing websites, social media, and email on our phones we don’t even realize we’re doing it. So if your business website isn’t up to par—if it’s not mobile-friendly—you could be losing out on some prime visitor traffic.

Your SEO game suffers too as a few years ago, Google started prioritizing its search rankings with website content that performs best on mobile devices.

What can you do? Make sure your website has a responsive mobile-friendly design and that your content and SEO is consistent whether on mobile or desktop.

Sound like a mouthful and not sure where to start? Reach out and ask us! We don’t bite because our tribe is always lighthearted and fun.

We also know what we’re getting ourselves into with SEO. We’ll dive head first into researching and evaluating your most important keywords—the keywords that were meant to shine bright on your website.

Next, our SEO experts will breakout their tools to analyze your competitors and gather even more insight on what truly works best for your business.

Trust us, we got you!

  1.  Prune Your Content

Let’s not beat around the bush—content and links are the foundation of badass-working SEO. Your website content and blog posts literally need to be the best stuff ever otherwise no one gives a hoot, including the search engines.

If a strong content marketing strategy isn’t part of your business plan, you could be missing out on the growth you’ve been craving for, even crossing your fingers for!

Once you’ve written something—awesome or not—it doesn’t stop there. Go back and add more value to your blog posts. Maybe it could use an infographic, or an instructional video (because video is hot right now too and FYI, people are staying put on the video marketing bandwagon because it’s working).

Even better, comb through your old content and check if it’s still relevant. If it’s not, it’s time to prune and improve.

No one wants to read about an obsolete dentist tool or technique that was introduced 20 years ago, right? Same goes for that once beautiful and serene city park that no longer exists.

If your audience doesn’t care, neither will the search engines. And your SEO game? Sadly it’ll flatline, but you can prevent this from happening of course!

We’re always here for you so you can bet we’ll help you spruce up and optimize your web pages, content, and more. We can add those credible links for you and help promote your content.

Plus, we love all the behind-the-scenes work with tracking your website search performance, page views, traffic sources, and conversions.

The important jargon you probably don’t want to spend tons of time on, right? But that’s why we’re here to help!

  1. The Rise of Voice Search

With Google and Amazon speakers now making their way into homes across the country (for better or worse), people are gravitating towards instant information via voice more than ever.

They say one in six Americans own one of these speakers and the numbers are only growing. So what does this mean for SEO?

Wait for it, hold your breath—your content should be optimized for voice search phrases and keywords too.

If you’re shaking your head thinking you want to give up now, we don’t blame you. We get it. Like we said, SEO is A TON OF WORK.

But how cool would it be if your business pops up when someone asks, “Hey Google, what’s a healthy restaurant nearby,” or even, “Alexa, find me an accountant in San Francisco.”

Pretty dreamy, right?

With all of these SEO improvement options to consider, we hope it sheds new light on the importance of SEO and why it’s more relevant than ever.

If you’re still unsure about it all, talk to us! We’re up for the challenge to make SEO work for you, not against you. Rant to us about your struggles, and we’ll make sure to get you back on track again.

We’ll give you the results you’ve been looking for and to prove it? We always send over weekly or monthly status reports and recommendations.

SEO is a long-term game and we’re here to consistently tweak and improve your plan so you’re always on the winning side.

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zo agency serves as the marketing department for small to midsize businesses that are typically too small to have their own internal marketing department and invariably too big to manage without one.

We’re your marketing director, strategist, account manager, project manager, family and tribe.


Business can be summed up in seven words: Late nights, early mornings, give me coffee. KIDDING! How about this instead: Attracting and converting customers for

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