
How Google Remarketing Can Convert Visitors Into Customers

How Google Remarketing Works

If you use Google as your search engine of choice and you shop online, then you have seen remarketing display ads. They are targeted ads that revisit you on your computer or phone because of cookies when you visit an online retailer, for example, to browse for products. Your business then pays for a Google ads remarketing tag to be attached to the users account. These remarketing Google ads will then randomly pop up while you are searching Google or YouTube, among other things, to remind you of their business brand, a product, or to offer a 10% discount, for example, when you order through the ad. 

The way these ads work is through what are called remarketing lists for search ads. Your business pays for certain keywords that when typed into the search engine get tagged for remarketing with your business. Your website must have Cookies attached to it in order to effectively collect the necessary information. But once users data is collected, they will receive your targeted remarketing ads as they visit other sites reminding them of your products.

Remarketing with Text, Image and Video Ads

These remarketing ads can be configured and created in a variety of different ways. You can create one with just text that perhaps begins with a, “Thank you for visiting our website,” and then makes an offer for a discount on an item that they were searching for and then clicked on to view to get the specs. These ads are simple, inexpensive to create and focus on items that the person being targeted has already viewed since they do not include images.

Remarketing Google ads can also be created that include images of the items you want the targeted person to purchase and can also include images and information about similar items that may be of interest to the retargeted shopper. It is important to highlight your brand so that it becomes familiar to, and trusted, by your target audience. And, again, a discount offer for items purchased through the ad creates more interest and builds rapport with your potential customers. 

The top level of remarketing display ads is the creation of video ads that run in pop-up windows, or on YouTube, before it plays the video that people searched for or opened from an article it was embedded within. These video ads really must be top quality, have a terrific opening (to hold viewers attention) and clearly express your business’s brand message. Unless they offer a huge sale, these video ads are primarily tools to build brand awareness and trust and lead the viewer back to their website.

Using Similar Audience

Another option Google offers to those using their remarketing display ads to reach out to customers who have already purchased or viewed products on your website, is something called ‘similar audience.’ By purchasing their similar audience marketing package, Google Ads will identify new potential customers based upon the characteristics and shopping patterns being similar to your own website customers, those who have used your app or are already on your customer lists.

This broadens the reach of your targeted marketing campaign by drawing in a wider audience that has similar interests and buying patterns as your existing customers. These potential customers are then added to your own remarketing lists for search ads.

Dynamic Remarketing

The reason they call this Google dynamic remarketing is because you have so many options to choose from when adding potential customers to your remarketing lists for search ads. Additionally, you have control over what kind of ads these customers receive, the specific searches that will prompt an ad, the duration of your campaign and a myriad of other options that are almost infinitely variable and dynamic. 

The key is always deciding on how best to combine, configure and pay for the ideal combination of Google Ads remarketing tags on customers visiting your website or app. The process of remarketing works through the placement of cookies from your website to your visitors device(s) any time that customer meets your predetermined criteria. Each of your remarketing lists for search ads will identify a match and add their cookie ID to your list. It is possible to maintain multiple lists, each with a range of varying criteria

Remarketing with Mobile Apps

The very same process that is used for websites is available for apps! Google Ads remarketing tags can be applied through cookies to app users who meet a range of criteria in order to target a specific geographical area, demographic or income level, or based on search words used. This makes these campaigns highly targeted toward people who already have downloaded your app and are familiar with your brand, products and services. 


As you have probably surmised, Google dynamic remarketing is a fantastic tool for targeted marketing with a high probability for responses because your target audience fits key criteria. You will have a Google Ads remarketing tag attached to customers who have either already used your website or app, are searching for your identified keywords, or fit the profile of your typical customers who have searched your website or downloaded your app. 

This kind of marketing requires your business to know and understand a lot about your own needs, customers, brand, market, competitors, etc. It also requires you to make a lot of decisions about who, when, where, why and how to place the right tags to reach the very best ROI. 

All of these variables and intricacies can be a lot for you to juggle, especially when you are undoubtedly working extremely hard on your own business needs. This is where zö agency will help you in any way you need. We are experts at navigating the ins and outs of Google Remarketing! We will simply do everything for you or we can work with you to strategize and plan, or whatever you need to maximize the benefits of this crazy-good targeted marketing.

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