Boosting Your Construction Business Through Digital Marketing | zo agency

Have you wondered at some point, “How do I increase sales in my construction business?” There is a lot of competition for construction work out there and it can be a struggle to take your business to the next level. Because so much of your time and effort goes into bidding jobs, dealing with employees […]
Pay Per Click Campaign Tips to Heat Up Your HVAC Business | zo agency

At the top of our list of HVAC Marketing Strategies is Pay Per Click Pay Per Click (PPC) Pay-per-click marketing is one of the most effective and cost efficient modes of marketing today. It is basically a way to use search engine advertising to drive clicks to your website. And it works primarily in two […]
Customize Your Library Newsletters to Reach Gen-Z | zo agency

Your library newsletter is an essential element in any comprehensive content marketing strategy. And your marketing strategy is vital for growing your Library’s brand and growing an audience for your products and services. Your goal is to build readership and community engagement by publishing informative and interesting media—blog posts, videos, podcasts, etc. Newsletters can incorporate […]
Pay Per Click Ads Can Help Your Law Firm Stand Out! | zo agency

If you are looking to boost your Law Firm advertising and get a lot of bang for your buck in the process, look no further than Pay Per Click (PPC) Ads. There is little risk involved with PPC because your ads will be highly targeted yet there is often a rapid payoff because you get […]
The Seven Virtues of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) | zo agency

When it comes to digital marketing, how you use SEO can be one of your worst enemies or one of your greatest allies. SEO is an extremely powerful and versatile tool for your advertising tool box. But if you let it lag or count on a one and done approach it will not do the […]
The Power of Marketing to Gen Z

There’s a new group of kids taking the digital world by storm. They live and breathe the online world and they’re not going anywhere—say hello to Generation Z. Some are already making waves (and money) thanks to social media and technology. Born around the mid-90s to the early 2000s, they’re teenagers or soon-to-be college graduates. […]
Why You Need Email Sequences (automated workflow)

If you’re thinking it’s high time to ramp up your marketing efforts, let’s talk email sequences for a sec. How’s your email marketing plan going? Do you have an email sequence set up and automated? Have you been thinking about creating one for a while? Now’s the time! Email is super cost-effective and can produce […]
Gain More Email Subscribers the Right Way | zo agency

News flash! Email has been around for close to 50 years now (say whaa?) That’s right. No joke. The thing is, email is still a major player in how we communicate and get our daily dose of news, gossip, etc. Next to social media, people check their inboxes up to 15 times or more per […]
PPC – How Long Does it Take?

How long will it take for me to see results in my PPC campaign? Oh, the age-old question. While many clients come to us excited to get started with PPC campaigns, a few weeks and a few hundred bucks later, they start asking when they will see the big results they’ve read about online. We […]
Ready to Get Digital?

How to modernize your marketing methods. Remember the good ol’ days when you could take out an ad in the local newspaper or Yellow Pages and have clients lining up around the block for your services? Those days are gone. Sorry. Nowadays it’s still possible to get a big bang from advertising, but the methods […]